OER Workshop: Adopt, Don't Shop!
Wed. May. 20, 2020
Using Open Educational Resources in Your Classroom

When: Thursday, May 28, 1PM
Where: Via Zoom (link to be sent to registrants)
RSVP: ja.reyesbain@uwinnipeg.ca
Curious about affordable and accessible open course materials for your classes? Want easy-to-adopt textbooks to help save time for online courses? Attend this Zoom workshop to learn more about finding, using, and customizing Open Educational Resources (OERs).
OERs are high quality scholarly materials (including textbooks, learning modules, assignments, videos, and more) that can be edited and adapted to suit your course. As a bonus, they are free and accessible for students, which greatly increases textbook uptake for your classes.
In this workshop, Scholarly Communications and Copyright Librarian Brianne Selman will demonstrate how to find appropriate OER for your classes, what the possibilities are for adoption and adaptation, and starting points for how to develop your own OER materials and share them with your colleagues. Attendance by registration only; send RSVPs to ja.reyesbain@uwinnipeg.ca.
More information on OERs can be found at the Library’s OER Guide.