Use the Library
In addition to ensuring access to resources required for teaching, research, and study, the Library also provides spaces and services for students, faculty, staff, and visiting researchers. Browse our services below.
Help with Research
As well as providing access to books and articles, the Library offers assistance and expertise in how to plan, perform, and present your research. We are happy to offer both staff-assisted and self-guided options depending on how you prefer to work.
Spaces and Technology
Located on the 4th and 5th floors of Centennial Hall, the Library contains a range of collaborative and quiet space and two bookable study rooms, as well as a number of desktop computers and multi-purpose printer/copier/scanners.
Accessibility in the Library
Our building and service constraints can present a number of wayfinding, access, and mobility challenges. The Library is committed to mitigating and responding to these issues whenever possible. Visit the link below to learn more about what to expect, what is available, and who you can talk to.
Borrowing and Renewing Materials
Print materials can be requested online and borrowed by either visiting the Library in person or through our smart locker Pickup Service. Students, staff, and faculty can use their University ID card to borrow materials and most items are loaned out for the length of a school-term.
More on Borrowing and Renewing Materials
Course Reserves and Syllabus Service
Course Reserves are required materials that an instructor has asked the Library to set aside for their class to ensuring equitable access for all students in that course; these can be print or online. Instructors can submit their course syllabus in its entirety for processing.
More on Course Reserves and Syllabus Service
Interlibrary Loans
Students, faculty, and staff can request to borrow items from other academic institutions that are unavailable in our collection. Format, availability, timing, and loan terms are subject to the rules set by the loaning library.
Alumni, Guests, and Visiting Researchers
The Library is open to members of the general public during normal business hours. A process is in place for post-doctoral fellows, visiting researchers, and research assistants to acquire Library access. For a fee, special borrower cards can be purchased by those who are not affiliated with UWinnipeg to gain access to book borrowing.
More on Alumni, Guests, and Visiting Researchers
International Students
Library services can differ greatly between countries. Find out more information about our resources, academic and research expectations, and ways to get help at UWinnipeg.