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Reserves and Syllabus Service

Can't access ReserveReadings? Safari users may be unable to access the ReserveReadings tab in Nexus. If you encounter difficulties, please use the most up-to-date version of either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. You can also access your course reserves by logging in directly to the Ares Course Reserves System with your network username and password.

Course Reserves are required materials that an instructor has asked the library to set aside for their class, ensuring equitable access for all students enrolled in that course.

Please note that the Ares Course Reserve System will not receive an automatic update if you register a new chosen or legal name with the University. To update your name in Ares, contact reserve@uwinnipeg.ca from your UWinnipeg email address with your new name; no further documentation is required.

On this Page

About Course Reserves

Reserves fall into one of two categories: print reserve and eReserve. Print Reserve is for physical materials such as books and DVDs. They are kept at the circulation desk in the Library (4th floor, Centennial Hall) and have shorter loan periods than regular library materials. Photocopies cannot be placed on print reserve; articles and other short excerpts should be placed on eReserve. 

eReserve is for short excerpts, such as articles and book chapters, and digital materials, such as ebooks and streaming videos. These materials may be links, PDFs, or other digital formats, and can be found in the ReserveReadings tab of your Nexus course.

Syllabus Service

The Syllabus Service is the easiest way to create materials for a course, enabling you to submit a reading list in its entirety for processing. Library staff will clear copyright, process the items, and make them available in Nexus or Print Reserve for you.

For Students: Accessing Materials

Students can access digital reserves through their Nexus course, or borrow print reserves from the Library. Print reserves typically have shorter loan periods so that all students have an opportunity to access the material.

For Faculty and Instructors: Submitting Materials

Find out more about how to place materials on reserve for your class, deadlines, processing times, and frequently asked questions.

Who to Contact

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Email: reserve@uwinnipeg.ca

Phone: 204.786.9809

Please include your course code and semester when contacting Reserves for help. Students should also include their Webadvisor username.


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