The Procrastinator's Handbook
Fri. Nov. 13, 2020

“You just begin,” he says. "You do the math. You solve one problem, and then you solve the next one…and if you solve enough problems, you get to come home.”
So. You’ve left your paper to the last minute. You're Matt Damon, stranded on a desolate planet of your own making. Luckily, you have a direct line to the UW Library. We’re mission control, ready to talk you home. Writing a paper is a lot like escaping from Mars; you solve one problem, and then you solve the next. Eventually, if you put all the pieces together, you’ll have a completed essay.
The Procrastinator's Handbook of Library Research is designed to walk students through the process by: 1) Quickly helping you generate ideas from academic sources, and 2) Turning those ideas into a paper.