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Freedom to Read Week

Fri. Feb. 21, 2025

Celebrate Freedom to Read Week from February 23rd to March 1st.

Freedom to Read Week is an annual event founded in 1984 to promote intellectual freedom and challenge censorship. Although Canada has strong traditions of free expression, it also has a long-standing tradition of censorship. Books or magazines are sometimes challenged by individuals who deem them too offensive or inappropriate for certain audiences. Sometimes those books are removed from library collections or school curricula. Freedom to Read Week encourages everyone to reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom and to defend their right to publish, read, and write freely.

To celebrate Freedom to Read week, we encourage you to read one of the following nine books that have been challenged here in Manitoba and are available at the UWinnipeg Library:

If you want to learn more about intellectual freedom and book censorship in Canada, the Freedom to Read Week website offers various resources for students and educators.

Sources: Freedom to Read Week website

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