Public Filming Policies
Public filming in the library is welcome and encouraged for purposes related to education and research by university students, faculty, and staff. Please contact Janice Reyes Bain ( to coordinate filming projects in the library. All requests not related to university business will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
All filming requests must be made at least one week prior to the intended filming date and are conditional upon receipt of all filming agreement documentation. Commercial filming and official media enquiries are subject to university approval and should be directed to the Communications and Events Officer, Lea Crocetti (
Theatre Students
Theatre students wishing to film in the library as part of their course studies are provided a form through their course instructor or departmental assistant. Please fill out the form and submit it Janice Reyes Bain ( in the library administration office.
Respectful Behaviour
Film crews are subject to the campus respectful working and learning policy and reminded to be courteous to those using the library for research purposes. Film crews are expected to familiarize themselves with applicable privacy and copyright laws before filming in the library. Library staff reserve the right to remove individuals in accordance with these policies and any additional conditions laid out in the filming agreement.