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Research Data Storage & Security

Secure Storage and Backup

When storing data, you need to always consider the effect of loss of the data to the study, and to anyone involved in the study. Early in your research project, you need to plan a way to minimize the effects of the loss or destruction of data.

  • Estimate how much storage space you will need and determine who will need access, what type of access will each team member need, and how they will access the data
  • To prevent the accidental destruction of data, we recommend the 3-2-1 backup strategy:
    • 3 total copies of your data on
    • 2 different devices
    • with at least 1 copy offsite
  • Backup regularly and, preferably, automatically

UWinnipeg's Information Security Office has Data Protection Classifications and Requirements along with several Information Protection Guides to help you safeguard your data:

UWinnipeg Storage Solutions

There are many storage solutions to choose from but choosing the right one for you depends on the sensitivity, amount, and collaborative accessibility of your research data.

Institutional/Internal Options:

  • Microsoft 365 (OneDrive/Teams/Sharepoint): Microsoft 365 is available to all UWinnipeg faculty and staff. Each faculty member and staff have been allocated 1TB of storage on Microsoft OneDrive. Data can be shared internally and externally via Teams or Sharepoint. More information available here.

If these options are not suitable for your needs, please contact the Research Data Management Librarian to discuss alternative solutions.

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