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Off-setting Article Processing Charges for Open Access

When the Library pays for academic subscriptions, some publishers offer institutional authors a deal on Open Access publication fees. Each discount is different, and you will need to ensure you identify yourself as a UWinnipeg author prior to your article being published. These read and publish deals are largely negotiated via CRKN, the national academic libraria consortia, though UWinnipeg is not party to every agreement.

NEW! Search for a title within all of the 2024 agreements: Excel spreadsheet


Cambridge University Press Journals

The University of Winnipeg's subscription to Cambridge University Press Journals through CRKN entitles its faculty to publish an unlimited number of their articles as open access in Cambridge hybrid and gold journals at no charge for the duration of the agreement. The article types eligible are Research articles, Review articles, Rapid Communications, Brief Reports, and Case Reports.


As a participating CRKN member institution, some Open Access fees for specific Elsevier journals are now covered by the UWinnipeg Library subscription. Under the agreement, 1800 hybrid Elsevier journals are free of APCs and most Elsevier Gold journals are eligible for a 20% discount. Several journals, such as Cell Press, Lancet, and some other society-owned journals, are excluded from the APC waiver. Discounts should automatically appear when you select UWinnipeg as your institution when submitting. Please contact Brianne Selman if there are any difficulties in getting the discount applied.

Institute of Physics (IOP)

Corresponding authors affiliated with CRKN institutions participating in the CRKN-IOP Open Access agreement will be able to publish an unlimited number of their articles under an open access license in select IOP hybrid and gold journals at no charge for the duration of the agreement. The article types are intended to cover all original research and review-type content (papers, reviews, letters).


For 2024-2026, CRKN has negotiated a cost-neutral, unlimited read & publish agreement with Oxford that also eliminates the reconciliation process and any additional annual costs due to titles acquired by Oxford. Referring to the title list,

  • There are no APCs for the 350 hybrid journals (see tab 1: "List of Eligible Hybrid Titles")
  • A 10% discount is applied to the APCs for gold OA journals (see tab 3: "Gold APC Discount")
  • There are currently 12 titles for which no open access option is available (see tab 2: "List of Ineligible Titles")

SAGE Journals

The University of Winnipeg's subscription to SAGE Premier through CKRN includes the following benefits for faculty:

  • A 40% discount is applied to the APCs for SAGE Gold OA journals 
  • There are no APCs for SAGE Choice journals (except those designated "subscription" in column J of this spreadsheet)
  • There are currently 10 exceptions for which no open access option is available (designated "subscription" in column J of the spreadsheet)

Authors will need to self-identify as being affiliated with a CRKN institution that licenses Premier All-Access and request the discount.

Taylor & Francis Journals

The University of Winnipeg's subscription to Taylor & Francis Online through CKRN entitles its faculty to a 25% discount on Article Processing Charges. Upon selecting the institutional affiliation as the U. of W., the discount will be applied automatically to the invoice.


During the term of the 2023-2024 agreement, eligible articles accepted for publication in Wiley's hybrid journals by corresponding authors affiliated with participating CRKN institutions may be published under an open access license (if chosen by the author) with no APC charged to the author or the library/institution. There are no limitations placed on the number of eligible articles that can be published in hybrid journals during the term of this agreement. Eligible article types are: case study, commentary, data article, education, lecture, method and protocol, perspective, practice and policy, rapid publication, research article, review article, short communication, and technical note.

Articles accepted for publication in Wiley's gold journals are not eligible under this agreement. Authors will continue to be charged APCs for accepted articles in these journals.

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