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Library Account

Library accounts enable you to request, renew, and view due dates for physical items you have borrowed from the library. Logging into this page does not provide access to ebooks or other online library resources. 

A UW issued ID card is required for a library account. If you have a new card, please contact us to update your profile.

Users may encounter an error message indicating "the institution cannot be reached." The Library is aware of this problem and we are working on a solution. In the meantime, please wait a few minutes and try logging in again; this should resolve the issue.

Account Login

On this page:

How to Login

Students, Faculty, and Staff

Please use the same username and password you use to login to Webadvisor and university computers.

Everyone Else

If you do not have a UWinnipeg network account, your username is your 14 digit library card number. If you have never logged in to your account before, you must click "Set/Reset Password" and follow the directions to create your password. An email address is required to access your online account. 


How to Update Your Profile


You can update your address, phone number, or email by logging into Webadvisor and navigating to Current Students > Academic Profile > Address Change. To update your name, you must submit a personal update form. A legal name change requires supporting documentation, but a chosen name does not.

Faculty, and Staff

You can update your address, phone number, and email by completing HR’s online change of address form. To update your name contact HRIS@uwinnipeg.ca.

Everyone Else

Please contact library staff to update your account information.


Chosen Names

There may be a delay in updating your library account after a name change is submitted to the University. If your chosen name does not appear correctly on your library account, please complete the library name change form or bring your UWinnipeg ID card to the front service desk and ask staff to update your account. Your ID card does not need to have your new name - staff only need to see the barcode and photo to access your library account. 


Library Account Contact

Email: circulation@uwinnipeg.ca

Phone: 204.786.9808

Library Help Chat