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Additional Study Spaces

There are study space options outside of the library, all located nearby in Centennial Hall.
On days when the library closes early, these are great alternatives with later hours.

On this page:

Stimpson Media Gallery 

Located in the open space just to the right of the library main doors, carrels can provide you with a private workspace, circular tables for individual or collaborative work, or simply lounge in the couch corner.

This space is accessible to students as long as the University proper is, from 7:00am to 11:00pm.

Stimpson Media Gallery with signage Stimpson Media Gallery continued

Bernice's Reading Room

This room is located on 4CM - the Mezzanine level above Centennial's 4th floor. The easiest way to get there is from the floating staircase next to Stimpson Media Gallery outside of the library. Take a left at the top of the stairs.

This space is a peaceful area for silent study and contemplation equipped with tables, couches, and carrel-style tables.

Bernice's Reading Room hours are from 7:00am to 9:00pm daily.

Bernice's Reading Room Bernice's Reading Room continued

Uplink Computer Lab

Located in room 4C32B, Uplink is found next to the central table area of 4th floor Centennial known as the Buffeteria.

This computer lab has a printer/copier and Equitrac machine for your printing needs.

The lab is open from 7:30am to 10:00pm daily.

Staff from the Technology Service Center work a help desk here. They can assist you with wifi-connection, account password, and other related tech issues.
Check their page for current Service Desk Hours.

Outside of Uplink computer lab Inside Uplink computer lab
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