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Search COPPUL Institutional Repositories

This Google Custom Search interface searches the contents of all Instututional Repositories (IRs) at COPPUL institutions listed in the table below.


COPPUL Institution

URL for IR (if established)

Athabasca University http://auspace.athabascau.ca/
Brandon University  
Concordia University College  
King's University College  
Kwantlen Polytechnic University http://kora.kpu.ca/
MacEwan University http://roam.macewan.ca/
Mount Royal University https://mruir.mtroyal.ca/xmlui/
Royal Roads University http://dspace.royalroads.ca/docs/
Simon Fraser University http://summit.sfu.ca/
Thompson Rivers University  
Trinity Western University  
University of Alberta https://era.library.ualberta.ca/
University of British Columbia https://circle.ubc.ca/
University of Calgary http://prism.ucalgary.ca/
University of Lethbridge https://www.uleth.ca/dspace/
University of Manitoba https://mspace.lib.umanitoba.ca/
University of Northern British Columbia  
University of Regina http://ourspace.uregina.ca/
University of Saskatchewan http://ecommons.usask.ca/
University of the Fraser Valley  
University of Victoria https://dspace.library.uvic.ca:8443/
University of Winnipeg http://winnspace.uwinnipeg.ca/
Vancouver Island University http://viuspace.viu.ca/

For a list of OA repositories around the world, see the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR).

This page and the Google Search Interface presented here are maintained by Michael Hohner.

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