Self-Archiving Your Research Publications in WinnSpace
WinnSpace is the University of Winnipeg's Institutional Repository. WinnSpace is indexed by Google Scholar, OpenAire, and many other Open Access aggregators and repository searches. We maintain high quality metadata, assign DOIs for works where we are the publisher, and submit and update metadata via CrossRef.
Mediated Deposit
We primarily offer mediated deposit to WinnSpace. Contact John Dobson in the Library, with the articles you are interested in adding, to start the process.
Useful information to provide:
1) The article and journal information. The bibliographic information for the article, as well as a link to any online locations. It can be useful to include subject keywords. Please let us know how you would like your name displayed in your "collection".
2) A copy of your publication agreement. This helps us know what copyrights you have assigned to the journal, and if you've retained the right to self-archive, as well as what version can be posted. If you don't have a copy, tools like SHERPA-ROMEO can tell us what is typically allowed by the journal. If the article has a DOI you can check ShareYourPaper.
3) Versions of your article. Step 2 should identify what version of your paper you are allowed to share. Often, this is a version of the paper after peer review, but before typesetting. We can format the version into an accessible, professional looking PDF, if you would like.
Self-archiving in WinnSpace
1. Either Log into or Register at WinnSpace
- Generally, faculty can simply log in with their WebAdvisor username/password.
- Once logged in, contact and we will create a collection for your publications on WinnSpace and set permissions so you can submit to your collection.
- You will not be able to submit to WinnSpace until you have requested access to a Collection.
2. Check SHERPA/RoMEO for journal copyright policies
- Search SHERPA/RoMEO for the Journal Title for your article and identify the appropriate version of the article you should submit. Generally, SHERPA/RoMEO is a fairly reliable indicator regarding the version of your publication that can be archived. Ultimately, however, you are bound by your original copyright agreement with your publisher, unless you have negotiated additional rights with the publisher.
- You may need to provide an alternate version (original submission prior to peer-review or after peer-review, but prior to copyediting and final layout), as the final version of your article, as it appears in the journal, may not be permitted for archiving. Also, you will need to follow additional restrictions or stipulations indicated by your publisher (e.g. the addition of a cover page).
- If you wish to request permission (in cases where it is not already granted) to upload a Publisher's PDF to WinnSpace, you may use the template provided.
3. Submit your article
- Begin a new submission.
- Enter the appropriate information for your publication (title, authors, etc.).
- Upload the appropriate version of your file. (Note: be sure the file is named appropriately before uploading, as this is not easy to change once it has been uploaded.)
- Review your submission and correct any errors.
- Agree to the WinnSpace Licence and complete the submission.
- Congratulations! You have now completed your WinnSpace submission! An authorized reviewer will review your submission and add it to the WinnSpace database, and you will receive an automated email containing the URL of your submission.
Additional Files:
- PDF version of Publishing to WinnSpace
- DOC template for requesting Publisher's PDF Permissions