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The Library maintains a small collection of microforms (microfilm and microfiche), as well as two microform readers for use by Library visitors. You can request PDF copies from the collection or make an appointment to use our machines in person. You may also bring in your own microform formats for use on the Library's machines.

Finding and Requesting Microforms

Microform collections are searchable from the search box on our homepage. Enter your search terms, click "Search," and filter for microform results using the left-side menu. Please note that microform results appear as a sub-category under "Book." You may order a PDF copy of microform article by using the Scan on Demand request form.

Borrowing Microforms

Microforms are available for a one day loan and must be requested through the catalogue. You will receive an email notification when your material is ready to pick up at the circulation desk, typically within 1-2 business days. Items will be held for seven days, and a library card (UW ID card) is required for check out.

Microform Readers

The UWinnipeg Library has two microform readers located in the Archives on the 5th floor. These readers are available for use by appointment Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM. You may bring your own microforms or ask staff to pull material from the UWinnipeg collection during your visit. Staff can help you get set up on the readers and assist with basic troubleshooting. To book an appointment, please email archives@uwinnipeg.ca.


Copies and Borrowing: 

Microform Readers: 

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