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Legacy Media

This category of electronic media covers physical audio and video formats, such as audio cassettes, CD, VHS, and DVD. These items are still used when streaming formats are not available, too costly, or the material has ceased to be published. While our priority is to ensure sustainable access to digital resources, legacy media is often the only option for older or hard-to-source audiovisual works.

On this page

Finding Legacy Media

Legacy media collections are fully searchable from the search box on our homepage. Type in your search term(s), click "Search," and then filter the appropriate media format in the results list on the left side menu. You may find it helpful to select "UWinnipeg or Library Partners" to narrow down your results list to only those items held by our Library.

If you cannot locate a desired format, require a streaming format, or have an inquiry about the options available, contact your subject librarian.

Borrowing Legacy Materials

Most of the media collection is available to be borrowed and used outside of the Library by faculty, staff and students. Loan periods and requirements may vary. External borrowers can borrow items from the media collection for in-library use only. For further information on loan periods see the Borrowing, Renewing, and Requesting Material page.

Using Materials on Campus

In the Classroom or in the Library

Library users may view videos in the library at specially-equipped designated carrels which are located on the fifth floor. Course instructors should contact TSC in advance (media@uwinnipeg.ca) to determine classroom capabilities and request media equipment, if necessary.

Copyright and Licensing 

Legacy media that is used in the classroom must comply with applicable copyright and public performance rights legislation. For guidance on using audiovisual materials - including streaming media - in the classroom please contact the Copyright Office. 

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