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Library Accessibility

We strive to make facilities, collections and services as accessible as possible. If you do experience barriers of any kind either in person or using our online resources, we urge you to contact us, and staff will do their best to accommodate your needs.

On this page:

Downloadable Guide

An accessible PDF version of this guide is available: Library Accessibility Guide - PDF Download

Finding a Place to Study

Emergencies: During a fire alarm, do not use the elevator. Take refuge on an emergency exit stairwell landing. If you have a mobile phone, dial 204.786.6666 to speak to campus Security Services to let them know your location and situation.

Physical Accessibility and What to Expect

The Library entrance is on the fourth floor of Centennial Hall, 515 Portage Avenue. Elevators to the fourth floor are available on the street level. The 4th floor is a busy, loud, and collaborative lab area where most public service staff access points are located. Accessible workstations, print stations, and study rooms are all located on the 4th floor. Staff are happy to help you locate and use these accommodations. 

The 5th floor is where the main stacks, quiet, and silent study spaces are located; access is available via an elevator on the 4th floor. While the majority of the 5th floor is accessible for persons using a wheelchair, much of our quiet space is located in 5th floor mezzanine levels with stair-only access. As well, the tables/carrels on this floor are not height-adjustable. Users may find that some aisles too narrow for some wheelchairs or mobility scooters, and the stack shelves too high to reach; in such cases, you may ask assistance of Library staff (see also Print Retrieval below).

Accessible Quiet Study Room

We have equipped the 4th floor with an Accessible Quiet Study Room for those who cannot access the 5th floor quiet areas. Staff can help you locate this room when you arrive. The purpose of this room is to provide a quiet and low-sensory study space. It is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and students are not required to be registered with accessibility services in order to use it. Please read the study room policy prior to using the room.

Workstations, Printing, and Adaptive Equipment

Please see the Accessible Equipment section below.

Accessing Print and Digital Resources 


Assistance with photocopying is available -  simply see public service staff when you arrive. You may also contact University's Accessibility Services.

Print Retrieval

We are happy to retrieve books for persons who are unable to access certain areas. Phone 204.786.9808 or contact the accessibility librarian. Depending on timing and staff availability, print retrieval may be immediate or take up to several hours. For best results, please have ready a list of titles when you contact us.

Library materials can also be requested through the Pickup Service and retrieved from the Smart Lockers located on the main floor of Centennial Hall. Patrons can select the "Centennial Hall Accessible Pickup" option when placing their hold and provide details in the notes box about any accommodations needed, including placing items in a locker at a specific height, or arranging for an alternative in-person pickup.

Digital Accessibility

  • For information about the WCAG compatibility of library and university-owned web content, please see the Marketing and Communications website.
  • For information about third-party WCAG compatibility (i.e., library databases), please visit the vendor's website. If you still have questions or concerns about third-party content, please see the requesting assistance section below.

Alternative Formats

Library patrons requiring an alternative format copy of print items in our collection (book chapters, books, journal articles) can complete the Alternative Format Request form. If you need to get course content, including required textbooks, in an accessible format, please contact the University Accessibility Services.

American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters

Students requiring an ASL-English interpreter when visiting the Library or for an appointment with a librarian may contact Tessa Rogowski or text 204.228.0187 to make arrangements.

Accessible Equipment

Computer Workstations

Two dedicated accessibility workstations are available in the open computer lab.

Photocopying and Printing

An accessible printing station is available near the circulation desk on the 4th floor. Assistance with photocopying is available; please contact the circulation desk or the University Accessibility Services.

Group Study Rooms

There are two group study rooms available on the fourth floor which may be booked for two hours at a time. Please visit our study spaces and technology page for more information.


One accessible washroom is available just outside the library on the 4th floor of Centennial Hall; two sets of accessible washrooms are available on the fifth floor inside the library proper.

Requesting Assistance  

Alternative Formats

Student Wellness

Students experiencing unusual levels of stress or anxiety while in the Library, or who have concerns regarding mental health issues in general are advised to contact Student Wellness.

Research Assistance and Equity Concerns

Contact Michael Dudley to arrange research assistance by appointment or to discuss any questions, concerns, or comments you may have.


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