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Alumni and Guest Researchers


If you are a visiting scholar or research assistant with a UWinnipeg appointment, please see the guidelines for obtaining access as a short term researcher.

The University of Winnipeg Library has a number of services available to guests, including:

Digital Access Passes

Temporary accounts for access to computer workstations with printing/photocopying privileges are available to guests 16 years of age and older during normal public hours. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult, who may register an account on their behalf.
Photo ID must be presented every time you request a digital access pass, even if you have already presented your ID earlier in the day. Any identification with your full name and a clear photo - such as a driver's licence, status card, passport, student card, etc. - is acceptable. ID without a photo will not be accepted. A borrower's card is not required for computer access.
There is no public wifi available on campus.

Computer accounts are valid for 2 hours and are issued up until 6:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday, and until 3:45 PM Monday, Friday, Saturday. Patrons who wish to use a computer after the cut-off time must request a digital access pass in advance. Patrons who wish to use more than 2 hours of computer time may request an additional pass if one is available.

While using our computers, guests have access to a certain level of digital media e-resources through the library catalogue search on our website's homepage.

Digital passes provide access to printing, which must be paid for with cash. The default setting is double-sided black & white printing and costs $0.105 cents per page. Colour printing and larger page sizes are also available; for pricing and more details, contact circulation@uwinnipeg.ca

Evening and Weekend Access

Patrons who wish to use the Library outside of campus public hours (evenings and weekends) may book an appointment through the Library Visitor Request Form. Requests must be submitted at least one business day in advance and you must show your confirmation email to security to access campus. Appointments are available Tuesday - Thursday, from 6:00 - 8:45 PM, and Saturday from 9:00 AM - 4:45 PM.

A request form is not necessary to access the Smart Lockers or book-drop outside of public hours.

Special Borrower Cards

Residents of Manitoba, 18 years of age or older, who would like to borrow items from the Library's circulating collection may apply for a special borrower's card at the circulation desk. Valid photo ID with current address is required. The card costs $25 per year and only provides borrowing access; it does not provide access to library computers or campus wifi. For further information please phone 204.786.9808.

UWinnipeg Alumni are automatically entitled to borrowing privileges with their alumni cards and do not need to purchase a special borrower card. Please email the Alumni Office at alumni@uwinnipeg.ca to obtain your alumnus card and bring it to the library circulation desk to verify your account.

Research Assistants may obtain a UW ID card and network account by following the process outlined under Library & Database Access for Short-Term Researchers.

Please note that alumni and guests may access the library's databases and other electronic resources from on campus, but due to licensing restrictions, off-campus access to the library's databases is limited to current faculty, staff, and students.

Reciprocal Borrowing

Faculty, staff, and students from universities and colleges participating in the Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement may borrow books from the University of Winnipeg Library by presenting appropriate identification.  Please note that borrowing privileges and regulations vary from institution to institution. University of Winnipeg faculty, staff, and students may also register for borrowing privileges at participating libraries.

Conduct in the Library

The UWinnipeg Library is a respectful working and learning environment and all library users are expected to conduct themselves in a manner supportive to research and study. This includes adhering to all applicable University policies, including the Acceptable Use of Information Technology PolicyRespectful Working and Learning Environment Policy, and the Sexual Violence Prevention Policy. Behaviour that will not be tolerated in the Library includes, but is not limited to:

  • Abusive language, including threats, harassment, and/or discriminatory remarks;
  • Behaviour that is disruptive or otherwise interferes with the ability of others to work in and enjoy the library, including refusal to adhere to posted sound zones;
  • Refusal to present ID when requesting or renewing a computer account;
  • Smoking, vaping, consumption of alcohol, or use of illicit substances;
  • Vandalism, theft, or any other intentional damage to or misuse of library property, including hacking and unauthorized installation of software on library computers;
  • Sexual misconduct, including voyeurism, indecent exposure, or engaging in sexual acts;
  • Viewing websites that are sexually explicit or promote prejudicial and/or hateful agendas;
  • Photographing, filming, or recording in the library without prior permission from Library Administration.

 Furthermore, visitors to the library are advised of the following rules:

  • Per the University's Service Animals Policy, service animals are welcome, but please leave your pets at home.
  • Food and drink are permitted in most areas of the library, with the expectation that garbage is properly disposed of and any messes are suitably cleaned up. Food and lidless beverages are not permitted at public computers. 
  • Children under the age of 14 who are not enrolled at the Collegiate must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Library users who engage in unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the library. Serious violations or repeat offences may result in a permanent ban from the library. 


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